There are grim-visage, lip-locked individuals, who direct the existing forces of the sneeze through the nose, with shattering effect on the nasal membranes and the air-pressure within the middle ear, causing nose bleeding.
Then, there is the “polite” sneezer, who smothers the sneeze or, worse still, aborts it. Either technique creates a pressure within the head, causing sinuses.
The “fire-alarm” sneezer scares the living daylights out of everyone, with a blast that combines the nasal eruption method with an ear-splitting vocal accompaniment. It is my experience that you will usually meet this type of sneezer in a chamber music concert or other like function where deathly silence on the part of the audience is the rule.
Experts offer useful pointers on the safe way to sneeze. All one needs to do is to keep the mouth open and permit the force of the sneeze to be expended orally. To block the spray effect, cup the hands at the mouth.
Anything else you wanted to know about sneezing?